Individual and families are cordially invited and encouraged to become a member of the Macon County Historical Society. Individual memberships are $10, and family memberships are $15; however, donations above the membership fee are always appreciated. The MCHS is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to the Society are tax deductible. To become a member, mail your check with the completed form.
Individuals, families, groups or organizations can donate $200 for a Memory Window in the museum. A brass plaque will be placed on a new, energy-efficient museum window dedicating the window to whomever you wish, or courtesy of any group, club or organization. To donate a window, mail your donation with the completed form.
The Macon County Historical Society is funded and supported by membership dues, tax- deductible financial contributions from individuals and organizations, fund-raising projects, limited grants, book sales, volunteer help by individuals, and contributions of historical artifacts and memorabilia relating to the county and area.
Please click here to down load a membership form. Forms and dues should be mailed to:
Macon County Historical Society
PO Box 304
Macon, MO 63552